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27.04.2022 04:41
LED PCB Design Antworten

After understood the concept behind PCBs and LEDs, the next step is come to LED PCBs. Basically an LED PCB can be defined as an LED soldered into a PCB as a chip that lights up whenever the circuit is connected in a certain way. These type of PCBs normally also hold a thermal sink and a ceramic base to hold the circuit in place and allow smooth running of the circuit. The thermal sink is a necessity because an LED tends to produce high amounts of heat, which could potentially damage the PCB and the device in which the circuit is connected.

Because of the high levels of heat produced by LEDs, these devices are preferred to be attached to printed circuit boards that have a metal base. The metal based boards have the ability to quickly dissipate heat and to be a better option for designer. Normally, an aluminum based printed circuit board is preferred, it normally also contains a thin layer of dielectric that allows quicker heat dissipation.

LED PCBs are becoming the go to solution for lighting purposes for a number of reasons. Firstly, as discussed earlier, MOKO LED PCB design today are available not only for high quality and high intensity purposes but are also available in visible, infrared and ultraviolet light. Secondly, more flexible for design of PCBs. Thirdly, they are easy to use and cost effective as compared to other options that provide similar functioning. Last but not least, LEDs offer greater energy efficiency as well. Some applications of LED PCB include: street lights, lighting used in field of runways or military, flashlights and lanterns, hospital operating room lighting, vehicle headlights, etc.

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