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baseball hit that hard on a jin shuiqian 0 89 19.11.2019 07:01
Lagares was a late scratch from jin shuiqian 0 63 19.11.2019 07:01
Thursday against Vancouver jin shuiqian 0 84 19.11.2019 07:01
a two-week absence to rest his jin shuiqian 0 67 19.11.2019 07:01
you actually step on the field jin shuiqian 0 114 19.11.2019 07:01
otherwise would be eligible jin shuiqian 0 105 19.11.2019 07:01
while speaking to undercover jin shuiqian 0 91 19.11.2019 07:00
victory in Santa Anitas jin shuiqian 0 134 19.11.2019 07:00
Canadiens Practice Lines jin shuiqian 0 72 19.11.2019 07:00
starts but is 0-1 over that jin shuiqian 0 93 19.11.2019 07:00
recovered from the clothing jin shuiqian 0 83 18.11.2019 04:10
added 25 and Vasquez jin shuiqian 0 77 18.11.2019 04:10
Nov. 5 in San Jose jin shuiqian 0 77 18.11.2019 04:10
in 13 games prior to last jin shuiqian 0 68 18.11.2019 04:10
likely to adapt his offensive jin shuiqian 0 96 18.11.2019 04:10
nearly pulled off the jin shuiqian 0 106 18.11.2019 04:10
54 assists for the Pittsburg jin shuiqian 0 90 18.11.2019 04:09
an exclamation mark on jin shuiqian 0 85 18.11.2019 04:09
in Stephen Drew and Kendrys jin shuiqian 0 121 18.11.2019 04:09
pass for his first college jin shuiqian 0 92 18.11.2019 04:09
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