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Bouchard 6-4, 6-3 on Monday jin shuiqian 0 75 18.11.2019 04:09
of the sweater at the wrists jin shuiqian 0 53 18.11.2019 04:09
starting 29 of the 59 jin shuiqian 0 78 18.11.2019 04:08
Castaway Wanderers jin shuiqian 0 62 18.11.2019 04:08
sled but managed to get jin shuiqian 0 54 18.11.2019 04:08
the goal from 8 yards. jin shuiqian 0 86 16.11.2019 04:09
also referred to an incident in jin shuiqian 0 98 16.11.2019 04:09
to try to block differently. jin shuiqian 0 97 16.11.2019 04:09
in recent seasons. jin shuiqian 0 71 16.11.2019 04:09
44-34 lead at half. jin shuiqian 0 79 16.11.2019 04:08
Jaden Schwartz, Alexander jin shuiqian 0 76 16.11.2019 04:08
play. It was a hard jin shuiqian 0 96 16.11.2019 04:08
at Loftus Versfeld jin shuiqian 0 75 16.11.2019 04:08
claim a spot at the ma jin shuiqian 0 86 16.11.2019 04:08
about it," he continued jin shuiqian 0 71 16.11.2019 04:08
Lydia Bergeron, Jessica jin shuiqian 0 64 16.11.2019 04:07
his skin colour but some jin shuiqian 0 86 16.11.2019 04:07
and five assists for the Grizzlies jin shuiqian 0 91 16.11.2019 04:07
everywhere on Dec. 20. jin shuiqian 0 73 16.11.2019 04:07
kickoffs for Tampa Bay jin shuiqian 0 118 16.11.2019 04:07
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