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San Francisco hosted jin shuiqian 0 65 16.11.2019 04:06
Vanek playing alongside Tomas jin shuiqian 0 89 15.11.2019 04:07
He was selected as the 10th jin shuiqian 0 90 15.11.2019 04:07
something totally differen jin shuiqian 0 57 15.11.2019 04:07
when there were six. jin shuiqian 0 120 15.11.2019 04:07
playing in Triple-A. jin shuiqian 0 88 15.11.2019 04:07
domestic assault-bodily harm jin shuiqian 0 85 15.11.2019 04:06
in the third quarter to jin shuiqian 0 115 15.11.2019 04:06
league leader Lyon and its jin shuiqian 0 92 15.11.2019 04:06
completion percentage jin shuiqian 0 88 15.11.2019 04:06
He scored 177 goals and 53 jin shuiqian 0 74 15.11.2019 04:06
Premieer League and FA jin shuiqian 0 88 15.11.2019 04:06
advantage heading into the jin shuiqian 0 92 15.11.2019 04:05
who led 3-0 in the first p jin shuiqian 0 87 15.11.2019 04:05
a calendar year under NCAA jin shuiqian 0 77 15.11.2019 04:05
especially good for jin shuiqian 0 73 15.11.2019 04:05
Que.Notes: The game was jin shuiqian 0 108 14.11.2019 04:00
a grievance on their behalf. jin shuiqian 0 101 14.11.2019 04:00
torn meniscus in his right jin shuiqian 0 88 14.11.2019 04:00
Vachon played in 66 games jin shuiqian 0 89 14.11.2019 04:00
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