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insufficient evidence. jin shuiqian 0 67 11.11.2019 06:48
carted off the field by jin shuiqian 0 68 09.11.2019 04:24
with the winner then jin shuiqian 0 95 09.11.2019 04:24
scored 123 career goals in jin shuiqian 0 82 09.11.2019 04:23
who becomes an jin shuiqian 0 67 09.11.2019 04:23
It was bittersweet jin shuiqian 0 68 09.11.2019 04:23
runs in 139 games for jin shuiqian 0 100 09.11.2019 04:23
day he resigned jin shuiqian 0 72 09.11.2019 04:23
get to where you want to jin shuiqian 0 66 09.11.2019 04:23
when Dallas rallied to beat jin shuiqian 0 63 09.11.2019 04:23
get the Illini on the board. jin shuiqian 0 85 09.11.2019 04:22
your back to make a buck jin shuiqian 0 78 09.11.2019 04:22
the Spanish international jin shuiqian 0 83 09.11.2019 04:22
1 for 5 with five jin shuiqian 0 43 09.11.2019 04:22
from QB Henry Burris. jin shuiqian 0 99 09.11.2019 04:22
become a role model jin shuiqian 0 84 09.11.2019 04:22
ry over the host Stoney Creek Sabres.dddddddddddd gf1234566 0 125 09.11.2019 02:39
the years but you know its football, players move on, gf1234566 0 147 09.11.2019 02:39
tes into stoppage time.Vardy has been charged gf1234566 0 158 09.11.2019 02:39
Johnathan Motley each contributed 13 points for gf1234566 0 129 09.11.2019 02:38
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