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Voynov early in the second jin shuiqian 0 82 30.10.2019 04:11
who teed up Burns for his first gf1234566 0 62 30.10.2019 02:50
the scoring at 3:09 of the first gf1234566 0 74 30.10.2019 02:50
ecause the clubs didnt arrive until gf1234566 0 102 30.10.2019 02:50
loss was the second-worst loss for gf1234566 0 53 30.10.2019 02:50
three spearate occasions, the gf1234566 0 91 30.10.2019 02:49
So Im still looking at trying gf1234566 0 89 30.10.2019 02:49
eld after two separate investigations into r gf1234566 0 66 30.10.2019 02:48
e team looks to close the nine-point gap to fourth-place West Ham.There has been a lot gf1234566 0 102 30.10.2019 02:48
Blazers looked as poised as their sophomore gf1234566 0 75 30.10.2019 02:47
m Calgary and WR Kristopher Bastien from gf1234566 0 69 30.10.2019 02:47
how I was able to fight throug gf1234566 0 77 30.10.2019 02:47
erience, and/or players at least gf1234566 0 65 30.10.2019 02:47
CONTENDERBogar said the Rangers gf1234566 0 82 30.10.2019 02:47
dianapolis, IN (Sport gf1234566 0 64 30.10.2019 02:47
ously they believe in me t gf1234566 0 61 30.10.2019 02:46
victory against Newfoundland jin shuiqian 0 65 29.10.2019 04:30
The Pirates retired jin shuiqian 0 61 29.10.2019 04:29
Juventus break saw another jin shuiqian 0 80 29.10.2019 04:29
took a 58-46 lead into the jin shuiqian 0 59 29.10.2019 04:29
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