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Memphis, but the Nuggets forward didnt play because gf1234566 0 67 29.10.2019 04:17
scampered onto a curling, crossfield pass by gf1234566 0 61 29.10.2019 04:16
that Waiters capped with a 3-pointer gf1234566 0 96 29.10.2019 04:16
Samardzijaa and Jason Hammel from the gf1234566 0 69 29.10.2019 04:16
Panthers, Washington Capitals and gf1234566 0 89 29.10.2019 04:15
nothing.Glendale, AZ gf1234566 0 68 29.10.2019 04:15
. He got his first earlier this jin shuiqian 0 67 28.10.2019 04:53
came out and surrounded him jin shuiqian 0 78 28.10.2019 04:53
going 0-11. The former jin shuiqian 0 45 28.10.2019 04:52
Dustin Ackleys painful jin shuiqian 0 62 28.10.2019 04:52
. The Red Storm won the jin shuiqian 0 71 28.10.2019 04:52
the Canadian Olympic jin shuiqian 0 53 28.10.2019 04:52
Monday night and yet jin shuiqian 0 38 28.10.2019 04:52
minutes to qualify jin shuiqian 0 48 28.10.2019 04:51
chances in the tight sem jin shuiqian 0 78 28.10.2019 04:51
this season behind Maria jin shuiqian 0 85 28.10.2019 04:51
after the restart when he jin shuiqian 0 54 28.10.2019 04:51
game against San Jose jin shuiqian 0 66 28.10.2019 04:51
history at this stage jin shuiqian 0 52 28.10.2019 04:50
put the Nuggets in front jin shuiqian 0 73 28.10.2019 04:50
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